Sunday, August 24, 2008


The moment my moms have been waiting for/asking about non-stop since I got here/threatening me about has finally arrived. I spent most of the afternoon for the last 3 days uploading pictures, so enjoy! Here's the link--they're on facebook but you should be able to see them even if you're not (in other words, mom, please don't make a facebook page).

First album

Second album



Judy said...

Beautiful! Thank you so, so much. One question - is that your aunt's left hand I see reaching into the lunch pot??

Love you,

Allison said...

I know John gets on my case for blog stalking, but thank you SO much for posting pictures. :)

I had to laugh at your caption about John cutting his thumb and you taking the knife away from him. Good to know some things never change.

Good luck on your language test and have a great swearing in!


Unknown said...

Emily -- great pictures. Got to see some of the PCVs whose blogs I stalk!!

Best of luck to you.

(aka Ryan's mom)