Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving pictures

Hi all/anyone who's reading this!

Just a quick note to share the links to my Thanksgiving/Tabaski pictures. I'll write a longer post later in the week.

Thanksgiving 1

Thanksgiving 2




Allison said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you for the wonderful pictures! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. :)

And, you all get to get together again in just a few short weeks.

Take care,

Judy said...

Hey, my most amazing child - I said it to you on the phone and in an email, but I'll just say it one more time in this more public forum - GREAT pictures, made even better by your captions. Thanks for posting them. Enjoy your last week of teaching before the break and have a fantastic holiday. We all miss you VERY much.

Laura said...

Dear Em-
Knowing that thisis a very inefficient form of communication, I still have to ask, and hope that maybe you will address these questions in a future post.
1) Why is a girl named Taco Guy?
2) Why is ANYONE named Taco Guy?
3) Does that white kitty have a body (ignore answering this question if the answer is anything but yes)
Really enjoyed the pictures, and it's clear that you really enjoyed thanksgiviing. And why not? Your spread looks better than ours here in the good ole USA!
Keep the posts coming!
P.S. we're going to try and help fill the void left by you in the decorating of the Nelson/Posner Christmas tree tomorrow... We'll miss you.

Anonymous said...

looks like a goat to me.
love the tree...

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays our favorite niece!
We're so proud of you.
Email us sometimes:
Kisses from me and Toshimi