Saturday, November 8, 2008

New pictures

Hi all,

Not much new to report, but I put some new pictures up. I'm including a link that works for the other ones too (sorry about that!)


Selibaby 2


Unknown said...

wow, Em, I have not tuned in for a while - all I can say is WOW (to echo your "wow"). I mean, like, really WOW! The photos are gorgeous, by the way, one really gets a feel for the place...

Hope you get the teaching figured out - keeping those fast kids busy - maybe some peer-to-peer work? Anyway, keep us posted! Love

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sweetie
Wow, those pics are so fantastic! I love the sunset/trees/flora - and the new kitty?? What's his/her name? I assume it will be something election related? He/she is SO cute - looks a bit like Cat Man --

Off to Susan's tonight where Alex is preparing an authentic Chinese meal - pretty exciting, huh?

Will give you a call manana


Carolyn in Denver said...

Hi Em, There's a reason I'm not a teacher any more . . .Keep up the good work!!Luckily, you have a plethora of home town teaching mothers to be resources, should you need that. Question: I see on the map that Noakchott seems close to the coast. Do you ever get to see the Atlantic? Or is the 1/8th of an inch I'm looking at really hundreds of miles?????Be happy and safe. Much love,